Sunday 11 October 2015

I just don't see it.

I look in the mirror, and the scale every day. I see the smaller numbers on my scale, and in my clothes, but I still see the near 300 pound girl I was a few short months ago. I don't see the "skinny mini" my bus drivers comment on... I don't see the huge changes everyone else does, in fact, I still see the fat girl I used to be. I don't see protruding bones, I feel them, but can't see them. Is it illness? Is it bias? Is it being used to the old body? Or is it just an effect of seeing myself daily? I'm not quite sure, but I can say, I am not alone. 

At a recent Support meeting for the surgical patients, 80% of the people there (men and women) didn't see themselves as "skinny" either. Even the ones down 200+ pounds still saw the big person. So why does this phenomenon occur? Why do we, new-skinny people see the past, weeks, months or years later? IS it because we miss the padding? The comfort/protection being big gave us? The strength we had 100+ pounds ago? What causes this perception issue, and our inability to see what everyone else sees?

If you have any ideas, thoughts or questions for me about this topic, or any others, feel free to toss them my way!

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