...and it seems everyone but me is noticing a difference. I see nothing different, aside from dry skin, dry hair, dry nails, and super flappy arm skin. I'm eating pretty much anything (in super tiny amounts) except for breads, pasta and rice (that stuff is NOT easy on the pouch at all)... with only a few minor set backs...
As a kid, right after trick or treating, did you hide out (in a fort)
and eat all the candy you could? Then end up with horrible stomach pain,
chills, and maybe even start puking? Yeah, well that's what it's like
now... and only one teeeeny little teaspoon can make the difference.
Tea. I LOVE tea, but I made the mistake of letting someone else make my tea the other day... and that moment, I was introduced to
Yeah, I use big red font, because dumping syndrome is NOT fun. It sounds pretty gross, and feels pretty gross too... Symptoms differ from person to person, but everyone (bariatric patient or not) has a chance of experiencing it. Here's a list of the symptoms:
- A feeling of fullness, even after eating just a small amount.
- Abdominal cramping or pain.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Severe diarrhea.
- Sweating, flushing, or light-headedness.
- Rapid heartbeat.
Ok so the fullness after small amounts is common after surgery.... I didn't get the cramps, but what I got was the flushed body, rapid heart beat (like a humming bird I swear), and was covered in sweat so thick the shower couldn't help me. There isn't much you can do but lay down for an hour or so and just let the wave pass, take some tiny sips of water, and just hold on. I know I say this often, but think before you put anything into your mouth, and if someone else makes your coffee, or tea.... keep an eye on that sugar, because the Dumping is just not worth that extra teaspoon.
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