Friday, 8 April 2016

Depression Doesn't Go Away

So the new you is 100+ pounds less. You can run a while without getting tired, stairs are no longer a burden.... walking is a joy, and you fit in smaller clothes. But the depression, clinical depression, it doesn't go away.

I've suffered with depression, anxiety, and (most wont believe it) an extremely introverted personality for many many years (about 21 years to zero in on the diagnosis at age 7). I get depressed over the smallest, most insignificant things... anxious over nothing at all, and my introversion makes work a living hell. I am a full time a Client Service Professional, I work with the public, and that means I have to act like I'm not terrified 100% of the time. This leaves me drained, emotionally, socially, 100% of the time, and more prone to depression.

It's thanks to... a special someone in my SecondLife (yes a game), and in my Real Life heart that I was reminded of how awesome I am. In the past year: I have graduated college, found a job (albeit seasonal), got my license, lost 100 pounds. I am fricken AMAZING! Sometimes, it takes other people pointing out things about you, for you to be able to see them yourself.... and, should you be cynical like me, maybe someone you love can get it through your head, and help you out of your funk.

You are beautiful, you are intelligent, and you have got this life by the horns!

Keep being amazing.

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