Thursday 11 June 2015

Lets talk diet

Now post op is no walk in the park, most people think it is, but it isn't. I write this as I sit on a bus, and have just been given the clear to go to the next food phase. Pureed food.


Weeks 1 and 2 post op are full liquids. This definition is a bit foggy, so let me explain it for you. Broth, soups (strained), greek yogurt (or any yogurt with less than 10g sugar per serving), unsweetened apple sauce, cream of wheat, and oatmeal. We can have milk (1% or skim), protein shakes (not me, it hurt me bad), water, and juice diluted with water (50/50).

Now for me, this was hard because I HATE everything listed baring the milk, and water... Regardless, I've been a good girl and my new "baby stomach" has handled everything I've thrown at it with grace, so... WE'RE MOVIN' ON UP!!


Cue weeks 3 and 4 - Pureed foods!
This is all of last weeks stuff plus: humus, cooked or canned fruit and veggies (pureed), cooked meats and fish(pureed and softened with broth), crackers (they are like mush after your tongue hits em), non-sugar coated cereals (soaked and soggy in milk) and a few other things I dont recall from my bus ride.

This week is exciting for me as, one, its my birthday on the 15th, and I'm dying to get my mouth on some meat (hello double entendre, I walked right into this one). I'm not sure if breakfast will be a mini wheat (yes just one), or a tablespoon of tuna, but I know it'll be awesome.


Trust me, even if you're a meal skipper, or a binger,  cravings happen. Mine is still a burger (no bun), with some fresh mozzarella,  caramelized onions and mushrooms.... Now the issue? My stomach can only hold a mushroom at this point. So I'll wait a while (maybe August/September), and when I finally get my burger it will be amazing.

So whether you're on my path, or not... remember the trip is yours and no one else's issues, or joys will match your own.

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